Saturday, May 5, 2012

Precursor to Madness

Ah yes, why have I started this yet again? Perhaps a portion of me longs to reach out and make a difference in someone's life, however insignificant that difference may be. Perhaps I just need a place with which to put personal thoughts to words for the sake of self expression. Perhaps I'm just looking for a new way to stave off boredom. I haven't quite decided, although to be completely frank I don't much care either. If this goes the way I anticipate, I will end up making a post or so in obscure intervals, find my time too consumed with mundane daily routines to devote any of it to a would-be therapeutic means of self expression, and eventually abandon this endeavor, as I have done in the past with blogging efforts. Mind you, (and by you, I mean me, as there will likely be no other that reads this) I do hope to prove myself wrong, and continue to string words and thoughts together, even if just half coherent ones, so that I have mumblings and at least a faint echo of what life has brought before me as I continue on in this grand play we all take part in.

But where to start?

An introduction of myself is as good a place as any I suppose. Vain as it may sound, (which is actually the farthest from me characteristically speaking) jotting down a bit of who I am now and where I've been may be the best way for me to find bearings and thus direct this vehicle of expression in where to go next. But enough for now. My bearings can wait until morning hours seen by more than just graveyard shifters and night owls with too much time on their hands (like me in this particular moment.) Until then...

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