Sunday, July 15, 2012

Must be This Tall to Ride...

Life is scary business. No matter how old you are, something can happen to pull the very breadth out of you, leaving you an empty husk of flesh for the worms to feed upon. We're born. We live. We die. This is an inevitable and inescapable truth we're all faced with the moment we're pulled from the womb screaming and flailing.

Growing up is just another inevitable factor in that march towards our impending doom. It carries us along until we're of age to face the world of working men and women, and then it drops us into an overwhelming ocean of duty and responsibility. Sink or swim they say, but no one ever gives you an instruction manual, there aren't a set of directions to help point you towards a path or success. Unless you're born into privilege you're left fighting tooth and nail to scrounge together the wherewithal to build something you hope and pray will sustain you with until you reach an age where work and use to the general public is beyond your capacity.

And just like every other adult on the face of the planet who struggles, I too am guilty of thinking back to childhood, and imagining how much easier life would be if we never had to grow up. When I was a child I thought to myself how wonderful it would be to get to do whatever I wanted and not have to live by parental rules. I thought to myself how I could stay up late, eat whatever I wanted, not eat what I didn't like, go to rated R movies, ride huge roller coasters, and drive anywhere I wanted. As an adult with a bit more wisdom than my seven year old self however, I've come to find that nothing is that simple, and I begin to wonder. Just how much has changed from childhood to adulthood? What things do I enjoy doing as an adult that I couldn't enjoy as a child, and how have they changed? After tallying it up, this is what I've come up with...

  • As a child I was stuck going to school. As an adult, I'm still stuck with class work. Difference? This time I have to pay gobs of money for it.
  • As a child I loved to draw, especially dragons. As an adult I draw busty curvacious nude or half nude women... AND dragons!
  • As a child I loved to read and write, particularly poetry. As an adult I still love to read and write, but write less poetry now in favor of more carnal expressions provided by erotica.
  • As an adult I get the privilege of driving some form of vehicle on the road to commute to various places. While less practical, as a child I had the capacity to operate golf carts and go carts. Difference? My set of wheels have gotten bigger and more costly to maintain.
  • As a child I was stuck eating whatever was placed in front of me. As an adult I'm stuck eating whatever I can afford. Difference? There isn't any really.
  • As a child I was stuck with a strict bedtime so that I would get enough sleep to wake up early in the morning for school. As an adult I stay up until the wee hours of the morning and still get up early to tend to my five year old. Difference? I got a few more hours of sleep as a child.
  • As a child in the United States it was unlawful for me to consume alcohol, but in other parts of the world a child can drink when they are tall enough to see over the bar. As an adult I enjoy an occasional drink. Difference? I was born in the wrong country.
  • As an adult I enjoy table top gaming via Dungeons and Dragons. As a child I would have been thrilled to play. Difference? I was sheltered as a child.
  • As a child I was subject to the whims of what adults fashioned my looks as, coping with terrible haircuts and outfits you could gag a maggot with. As an adult, I dictate what I look like, right down to the piercings and tattoos. Nobody touches my hair!
  • As a child I was told that sex was like poison that controlled my thoughts and body, and once I had experienced it as an adult, I would be poisoned too. It terrified me. As an adult, I enjoy every minute of it, as often as I can. 
I could probably hash out a longer list if I sat here and thought about it more. These just happened to come to mind most immediately. So after all that, what's really changed? Looks to me like the biggest changing factor could be summed up in a single word. Sex. As an adult, I derive pleasure from it, where as a child such a thing was morally inconceivable, and never even a thought. My actions and inspirations seem to orbit around that primitive carnal urge in my adulthood. Suppose its that inner instinct to procreate and survive and pass on my legacy as a human being. And this is completely natural. Its what we're meant to do as men and women. Some of us hold higher ceremony for it than others, but at the end of the day we all crave that same human contact. At first I started to ask myself whether sex was really worth growing up for in the end. Then I realized how silly I was being, because in the grander scheme of things, it isn't just sex we grow up for. We grow up to procreate, but in that we build relationships, build families, and experience marvelous things as we connect with our human partners. Memories are made and shared, and a life is lived as it was intended. Yeah. Sex is worth it.